module Sl_tpair: sig
.. end
An ordered pair of SL terms.
include Utilsigs.BasicType
val unify : ?order:bool ->
?update_check:Sl_unify.Unidirectional.update_check ->
t Sl_unify.Unidirectional.unifier
Unify two pairs of terms, ignoring the pairs' internal ordering of members.
The optional argument ~order
has a default of false
. When it is set
to true
then the internal order is honoured.
val biunify : ?order:bool ->
?update_check:Sl_unify.Bidirectional.update_check ->
t Sl_unify.Bidirectional.unifier
val order : t -> t
Return a permutation of the input that obeys the ordering
E.g. order (x,y)
will return (y,x)
is x y > 0
val subst : Sl_subst.t -> t -> t
val to_string_sep : string -> t -> string
val to_melt_sep : Latex.t -> t -> Latex.t
module FList: sig
.. end
A list of term pairs.
module ListSet: Utilsigs.OrderedContainer
with type elt = t
A set of term pairs