
The sl_satcheck tool implements a decision procedure for satisfiability of separation logic formulas with inductive definitions. The algorithm, its correctness and its complexity are discussed in the [CSL-LICS14] paper.


If you are simply looking for the latest version of sl_satcheck, have a look at Installation.

If you want to try out the original version underpinning the [CSL-LICS14] paper, then you can download an archive including x86_64 binaries and the original benchmark suite at the CSL-LICS14 GitHub release. Bear in mind we changed the name of the tool from slsat_check to sl_satcheck after publication; the instructions below are for the current version, so you need to use the old name if you are using the release archive.


$ sl_satcheck.native -h

will print out instructions for use.


(See sl_prove for the definition of a linked-list segment).

In SL the formula x->y * x->y is unsatisfiable because * forces the two conjuncts to occupy disjoint parts of the heap. How about ls(x,y) * ls(x,y)? Create a file called query with the following contents.

P {
    ls(x,y) * ls(x,y) => P(x,y)

ls { 
    x=y => ls(x,y) | 
    x!=y * x->x' * ls(x',y) => ls(x,y) 

Then issue the query.

$ sl_satcheck.native -D query
SAT: First predicate has a non-empty base.

Which means that the formula ls(x,y) * ls(x,y) is satisfiable (when x=y).

Benchmarks in [CSL-LICS14]

  1. A superset of the hand-written tests described in the paper (Sec. 5.1) are in examples/sl.defs. To check their satisfiability, run

    $ ./sl_satcheck.native

    The worst-case complexity example is in benchmarks/slsat/cc/succ-circuit*.defs. To run this test iterate the checker over these files, i.e.,

    for F in benchmarks/cc/succ-circuit[1-7].defs ; do
     	./sl_satcheck.native -s -D $F -t 2400;

    There are more than 7 tests but the larger ones may time out.

  2. The benchmark with automatically abduced predicates (Sec. 5.2) is in the tar-file benchmarks/slsat/cctests.tgz. To run the benchmark unpack this archive and iterate the checker over the files. For instance the following command will do this.

    for F in <path where the archive was unpacked>/*.defs; do
     	./sl_satcheck.native -s -D $F;

    Bear in mind that there are almost 50k files in the test suite so unpacking and running the benchmark will take a long time.

  3. To generate and run the randomly generated benchmarks (Sec. 5.3), first make sure Perl and the Perl libraries Math::Random and String::Urandom are installed. Then, do

    $ cd benchmarks/slsat/syn ; rm *.dat ; make